
Frequently Asked Questions

Yes.calicuttaxi.com covers the whole of Kerala. So wherever you need a taxi be rest assured.
The booking process is very simple; you can fill in the online booking form on the booking page or call our operator on the dedicated telephone booking line. After that you want to make an advance payment of 25% Total amount.
calicuttaxi.com offers a service to all customers 365 days a year and 24hrs a day.
You can email us or call us to ask on approximate journey times 48hrs before you travel.

We always offer all customers a free meet and greet service at Calicut Airport. Please make sure you send us your flight number so we can monitor your flight.
We only accept payment by a valid credit or debit card which has to be provided before you travel as cash payment to the driver will not be accepted.
Bookings for your return journey need to be made before you travel as you will get the best rate if booked in advance.
All cancelations need to be made 24hrs before the journey takes place or you will be charged the full amount for the journey.
wayanad resort package rates

call: +91 9947056947, +91 9846152212,
                              +91 9846087862
